
The Day Sheet Report

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How to run a Day Sheet Report; how to understand the MTD & YTD figures included on the report.

For more information on scheduling this report/task to run automatically in Dentrix G6.5 and later, see article 86271.  

To Run the Day Sheet Report:
1. From the Office Manager, click Reports, point to Management, and then click Day Sheet.

2. Select the desired options (date range, provider range, billing type range, procedure date, entry date, and what totals to include on the report.)

Tip: To generate the Day Sheet for a particular day in the past, in the Select Date, From and To fields, enter the same date from the past or enter a range. 

Note: The date to the left in the Batch Processor is not necessarily the date that was entered in the Day sheet.

3. Click OK to send the Day Sheet to the Batch Processor.

4. From the Batch Processor, either Print or Print Preview the Day Sheet.

Tip: To be able to tell at a glance how a Day Sheet was run, check the Date column(s). If there are two sets of dates, then the Day Sheet was run by Entry Date. If there is only one date column the Day Sheet was run by Procedure Date.

Understanding the Calculations Used For MTD & YTD Totals:
1. Note the following about Entry Date and Procedure Date.

  • As each transaction is entered on an account and the Chart, two dates are stored with it.
  • Both dates default to the current system date.
  • The date that is not displayed anywhere and cannot be changed is called the Entry Date.
  • The date that can be modified by the user is called the Procedure Date.
  • Normally these two dates are the same; however, if the Procedure Date is changed by the user at any time (before the transaction is placed in History), the two dates will be different.
  • Procedure Date:
    The date shown everywhere a transaction is displayed or printed (unless there is an option on a report for Entry Date or Procedure Date).
    The Procedure Date is used for insurance claims, aging, billing statements, finance charge calculations, etc. -- everything visible from a patient's standpoint.
  • Entry Date:
    Used to keep the practice totals -- the figures displayed from Practice Analysis.
    This philosophy is following true accounting principles.
    The practice totals are stored by provider by month.
    During the current month the totals are accrued.
    When the month is closed, all transactions entered for the month being closed are totaled by entry date and placed in History.
    Once a month is closed the totals for the month will not change under normal circumstances because the transactions used for the totals cannot be edited.
    This is why transactions entered for a previous month are stored with the month during which they are entered.
    The option to store totals by procedure date is not available because the procedure date can be changed and may affect previous month?s totals, which violates the integrity of accounting principles.
  • For reporting purposes, the Day Sheet, Procedure Summary, Payment Summary and Adjustment Summary all give an option to print by either Procedure Date or Entry Date. If the two dates are always within the same month, the monthly reports will be the same with either option.
  • The Entry Date Day Sheet prints a column for the Entry Date and another for the Procedure Date.
  • The Procedure Date Day Sheet prints only a column for the Procedure Date.
  • It is recommended that an Entry Date Day Sheet be printed daily so that the transaction dates can be verified if they are being changed.
    It has been found that when users are entering different dates, typographical errors for the month or year occur.
    In this case the transaction does not show on the Procedure Date Day Sheet.
    The Entry Date Day Sheet shows every transaction entered that day.
    If there are any transactions with a different Procedure Date, an additional Day Sheet for each day affected can be printed by Procedure Date.


2. Note the following about Understanding Day Sheet Totals

  • There are four columns of totals available at the bottom of the Day Sheet.
  • The Current column prints on every Day Sheet and is calculated from the transactions printed.
  • If the Day Sheet is printed for 'Today,' without the Include Extended MTD Totals option selected,
    The totals for the MTD column are read directly from the Current MTD totals record that is used for Practice Analysis (this greatly increases the speed of the Day Sheet for a large practice at the end of a month).
    In this case the MTD column is by Entry Date whether or not the Day Sheet is printed by Procedure Date.
  • When the MTD column is not read directly from Analysis totals (when the Day Sheet is printed for a previous day or when the Include Extended MTD Totals option is selected), the MTD totals are calculated by reading the transactions from the procedure log.
  • To always get the MTD column on the Procedure Date Day Sheet by Procedure Date, the Include Extended MTD Totals option must be selected, or the Day Sheet must be printed for a previous day.
  • If the Day Sheet is not generated for 'Today,' the Extended MTD Totals are included for the MTD column, whether or not the option is selected, as long as the MTD column is included.
  • The Year-to-Date and Previous Month columns are only available when the Day Sheet is printed by Entry Date (and a Billing Type range is not used). These totals are read directly from the totals records that have been stored for Practice Analysis.
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The Day Sheet Report

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